Following this strategy in the financial world means you would repay the credit cards with the highest rate first because they cost you the most. 在金融领域内,这个策略意味着您首先要偿还那些利率最高的信用卡,因为它们是让您花费最多的。
How much would the first two measures cost? 前两项措施的成本会是多少?
In comparison with XJN-14 flotation machine, it gives such merits as high selectivity, large throughput, high solid content in froth, low energy consumption, less space required and low first cost. 通过与XJN-14型浮选机对比,表明FJC20型浮选机浮选选择性好、处理量大、泡沫浓度高、电耗低、占地面积小、购置费用低。
First, the cost of taking on new risk was, previously, too low. 首先,以前承担新增风险的成本太低。
First, greater cost efficiency and particularly better targeting and audience demographics. 第一,更好的成本效率,尤其是更好的目标受众群和观众统计数据;
Policies incentive: First the borrowing cost should be reduced. 政策激励:一是降低借款与再借款成本激励借款人还款;
The prediction of oil-gas operation cost is the first step of cost budget and control. 摘要油气操作成本预测是成本预算与控制的首要环节。
This article first analyzes cost control in all phases of civil air defense projects, especially focuses on the cost control in design phase. 本文先通过对人防工程各个阶段的造价控制进行分析论述,特别对人防工程设计阶段的造价控制进行重点论述。
That first Bible cost them half a months wages, at a time when rubles couldn't be counted on. 第一部圣经花费了我们半个月的工资,有一段时间我们的卢布入不敷出。
The first recall will cost the firm about$ 30m, and the second might prove more expensive still. 美泰将为第一次召回花费大约3000万美元,第二次将比这更多。
The first copy may cost hundreds of millions of dollars to produce, the second very little. 生产第一个软件可能需要成千上万的资金,但第二个软件的成本就非常低。
The initial cost of "pure" ice storage air conditioning systems was higher than the initial cost of conventional systems, but it can be reduced by using low temperature air supply technology, and the first cost even maybe lower than the first cost of conventional systems. 由于单纯的冰蓄冷空调工程的初投资费用较常规空调工程高出许多,而采用冰蓄冷结合低温送风技术则能使初投资费用得以大大降低,甚至可能低于常规空调工程。
The first cost and operation expense of an office building in Handan city are calculated as a example. 并以邯郸地区某一办公建筑为例,对其初投资、运行费用等方面进行初步算例分析。
First, the cost function of waveform design was improved, and the selection, crossover and mutation operator of genetic algorithm was designed in terms of the characteristics of discrete frequency-coding. 首先对波形设计的代价函数进行了改进,然后针对离散频率编码的特点,对遗传算法的选择、交叉、变异算子进行了设计,最后对设计结果进行了分析。
The inner circulating fluidized ted is also characterized by a simple and compact structure, low first cost as well as an easy operation and maintenance. 内循环流化床还具有结构简单、紧凑、投资省、运行维护方便等特点。
The study has indicated that using WSHP system for air condition in power plants can not only reduce first cost of investment, but also realize high efficient and energy-saving operation. 可见热电厂采用水源热泵空调系统可以降低初投资费用,实现系统高效节能运行,是最理想的空调方式。
This paper discusses the factors effecting first cost and operation cost of subway environment control system, and gives technical economic analysis by means of computer dynamic simulation on platform screen door for subway design and construction projects. 本文论述了影响地铁环控系统初投资和运行费用的因素,并结合实际工程对站台屏蔽门方案进行了技术经济分析。
To re-combine assets will involve the following costs: The first is trade cost in reorganization. 资产重组必须关注下列成本:其一,改组中的交易成本;
Compared with conventional design, the first cost is reduced by 70 million yuan and annual operation cost is decreased by 6 million yuan. 与常规设计相比,节省初投资约7000万元,年节约运行成本600万元。
Two problems should be solved in the innovation in system: first, the cost of innovation; 制度创新须解决好两个问题:一是创新成本问题;
On the premise of manufacturing techniques of compounded emulsifying agent and detonation property using compounded emulsifying agent STL can get over the shortage of one-emulsifying agent and improve storage stability of explosive and reduce the first cost. 生产表明,在乳化炸药的生产工艺和爆炸性能基本不变的前提下,采用STL型复合乳化剂可克服单一乳化剂的不足,提高炸药的贮存稳定性,降低生产成本。
By studying the Synergic management theory, project cost tracking and management system: First, cost tracking and management in the construction stage ledger System. 通过研究协同管理理论,建立工程造价跟踪管理体系:一是施工阶段造价跟踪管理中台账体系的建立。
When one kind of brand and technology transfers to another, especially the first cost is higher than the second, the user faces locking. 当一种品牌的技术转移到另一种品牌的成本非常高时,用户就面临着锁定。
Lots of our national investment through the SKE, these investments are mainly concentrated in infrastructure construction and emerging industries, the greater the uncertainty and the first investment cost makes up the less SKE profit. 我国国家投资很多是通过中央企业进行实施,这些投资主要集中于基础设施建设和新兴产业的建设,更大的不确定性及先行投资的成本使得央企利润上升比较少。
This article will mainly discuss the following points to start: First, the cost of capital on the important role of EVA management system that is now applied problems, and puts forward the corresponding sound improvement. 本文将主要从以下几点来展开论述:一是资本成本对EVA管理体系的重要作用,指出如今应用中存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了相应的完善改进措施。
Its framework is based on the optimal control theory and hybrid systems. At first, the cost function used the principle of the maximum and minimum in optimal control theory is established. 论文的整体理论框架建立在最优控制和混合系统理论基础上,首先利用最优控制中的最大最小优化原理建立代价函数。
So-called independent temperature and humidity control hybrid GSHP ( HGSHP) system can control temperature and humidity separately to reduce system first cost and to improve system performance. 而温湿度独立控制的混合式地源热泵系统可以将温湿度分开进行控制来减少系统的初投资,提高系统的运行特性。
With the advent of aviation deregulation in 1970s, the first low cost airlines emerged in US. In 1990s, low cost airlines are booming in the worldwide. 上世纪70年代美国开始放松航空管制,低成本航空公司应运而生,90年代以后在全球范围内遍地开花。
This section first by holding cost theory and price theory analysis of equilibrium futures pricing issue, followed by the discounted cash flow model, zero-growth model, the same growth model to analyze the stock price determination theory. 本部分首先通过持有成本理论和均衡价格理论分析了期货定价的问题,之后用现金流贴现模型、零增长模型、不变增长模型分析了股票价格的决定理论。